Free Peer-Mentoring for Schools in Newham
26/03/24, 11:45
Thank you to the Tesco Stronger Starts Fund for funding us to deliver 20 free peer-mentoring sessions to schools in Newham.

P2P will run a programme of 20 one-to-one mentoring support sessions, provided by our Peer
Educators (both online and face to face where necessary).
The Pastoral Team in schools will identify and referstudents most at risk and who would benefit from tailored support and advice.
Through offeringongoing support to the young people, we will develop strong relationships to encourage them to operate in their communities safely and with more confidence. We will do this by engaging them
in activities around self-confidence, managing anxiety, communication, conflict resolution and also
signposting to external support.
Our Peer Educators are best placed to deliver this mentoring as theyare of a similar age to the students and therefore can relate to the issues young people are currently facing.
We absolutely love mentoring and we meet such amazing young people by doing them, so we can't wait to identify who will be receiving these sessions in the Newham borough.
To enquire, please email info@p2peduation.co.uk.